Want to see a fantastic example of an innovative company that understands how to leverage the power of social media to turn fans and followers into customers? If you haven’t heard of Warby Parker, allow me to introduce you.

Warby Parker is an eyewear retailer that is looking to disrupt the current business model that makes prescription eyewear so expensive. If you are a bespectacled individual like myself, you know exactly what I am talking about. Even if you aren’t, you would not have a hard time figuring out why a pair of glasses would set someone back hundreds of dollars based on the cost of materials alone.

By cutting out the middlemen, Warby Parker is able to offer “boutique-quality, classically crafted eyewear” for a whopping $95. When I met a friend for dinner the other night, I noticed that she was wearing a beautiful new pair of glasses and I lamented to her that I was due for some new frames, but it just wasn’t in my budget. When she told me about Warby Parker, I immediately went home and placed my order for a “home try on” session. Just like that, five pairs of frames were on the way to my house for me to test out. For free.

I was so pumped about my order that I hopped on Twitter to share my excitement with my friend. Here was our exchange:


Six minutes later, we received this @reply from Warby Parker:

I was absolutely blown away by this level of personalized customer service! And if you search the #warbyvision hashtag, you’ll see many more personalized videos to individuals who mention them on Twitter.

On top of all this awesomeness, Warby Parker is following the buy/give business model that TOMS shoes popularized in giving glasses and/or funding to give people access to affordable eyewear.

I should get my trial frames in the mail today and, honestly, I don’t care if none of them look great on me. I’ll be buying a pair to support a business that is using the internet and social media to change the game. Check them out online at warbyparker.com and on Twitter @WarbyParker.