Engage Client Creative Director Victoria Welborn was assigned an extremely important task her first week on the job: create a tribute video for outgoing U.S. House Speaker Boehner’s retirement after…
In October 2015, Engage Visual Designer Ryan Slater attended a conference to flex his design muscles and learn from some of the industry’s best. We asked him to share some of the highlights and…
As I sit amongst the flying Nerf bullets and glossy white walls, I have to remind myself that this is indeed work. In fact, just 10 minutes before I was privy to an enlightening conversation about…
As a Georgetown student, I think it’s sometimes difficult to venture out of what we affectionately call “the Georgetown bubble.” Stepping off the King Street metro for the first time to come to…
On my way to Engage on the first day of my internship, I could feel a mixture of excitement and stress. My thoughts jumped from making sure I had brought everything I needed, to a backup plan (a…
Every year, SXSW is an incredible opportunity to learn, recharge, and connect with some of the best minds in the digital world. Our team was on the ground this year, speaking on a session about…
One can not accurately tell the story of American conservatism without discussing National Review. From the magazine’s founding in 1955 by William F. Buckley, Jr to the launch of National Review…
On this week’s show, we have a great conversation with Micah Sifry, co-founder and editorial director of the Personal Democracy Forum, a website and annual conference that covers the ways technology…