When I was a kid, my Mom had an apron that I loved to wear. Emblazoned across the front was the adage “skinny cooks can’t be trusted.” When Engage undertook a new project, our own branding and…
As we look back on the past decade of innovative design and bold strategy, it is impossible to ignore that Engage has grown and changed. Over the past ten years, we have tackled a wide range of…
As I sit at my desk in the Engage office for the last time, I can’t help thinking back over the past nine months I’ve spent here as an intern. There are a lot of concrete skills that I’ve…
Creative South always has amazing talent and speakers. This year, I really enjoyed hearing from Adam Grason on his quest to work for Disney. Adam excelled in his design once his passion hit. It’s…
This year’s Creative South began with a road trip from the great state of Tennessee southbound to Georgia along with my sidekick Chewie, AKA Ryan Slater visual designer for Engage, and designers…
This past April was my fourth trip to Creative South. Mike Jones, who runs the conference, had invited me years earlier and I was hooked immediately. There is no better conference for designers to…
Over the next few months there will be a lot of prognostication and fervor about the 2016 presidential elections, some of which will be focused on determining the digital flavor of the cycle. Big…
Engage Client Creative Director Victoria Welborn was assigned an extremely important task her first week on the job: create a tribute video for outgoing U.S. House Speaker Boehner’s retirement after…