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Online Strategy

December 20, 2012

Going Inside the Cave

In the immediate aftermath of the 2012 presidential campaign – like any campaign – two things happened: the winners went to bragging and the losers started pointing fingers. One thing became clear….

The Oatmeal posted a funny and spot-on comic about accruing ‘likes’ on a Facebook page today, saying that messages like this…

…will only result in reactions like this…


Okay, I’m being facetious. The other explanation that I’m self-hating, as a blogger going on seven years and an avid Twitter user with a network of 2,451.

There is a serious point to this, and one…

The common wisdom is that BarackObama.com is not only better at wrangling donations from the faithful, but is categorically better than JohnMcCain.com because it embraces an interactive as opposed to…

What is online strategy? That’s the question many veteran political consultants, candidates, organizations, and my grandmother ask when I say that’s what we do.

The simple answer is that online…