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Big Data

After reading our report on the Obama campaign’s digital and analytics operations, Inside the Cave, you may have thought to yourself, “That’s fascinating, but how can all this help my…

December 20, 2012

Going Inside the Cave

In the immediate aftermath of the 2012 presidential campaign – like any campaign – two things happened: the winners went to bragging and the losers started pointing fingers. One thing became clear….

October 23, 2012

In Defense of Skewed Data

With #skewed polling in the news this campaign season, I stand as a lonely voice for noisy, biased, self-reported, and yes, skewed data in the Presidential race.

This piece is not about the…

Understanding influence is a huge topic in social media. A number of players, like Klout and PeerIndex, have built hugely successful platforms around rewarding highly influential social media…

At Engage, we have long preached the gospel of social data as the new polling. A Facebook app called Wisdom is demonstrating what that actually means, building detailed demographic profiles on 3.8…

At Engage, we (heart) data. We think that Big Data harnessed from the social web can oftentimes better tell us what’s happening in real time than a traditional opinion poll. There’s no better test of…