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Barack Obama

Folks are abuzz about how the candidates are rollin’ and Tumbloggin’ around the Internet, trying to become more Pinteresting. Most of the discussion this year seems to center around what folks in the…

We’ve received great feedback since launching our tracking spreadsheet of Presidential candidate buzz on Facebook, including props from All Facebook, ABC News, and WNYC’s Brian Lehrer…

At Engage, we’re huge believers in data. And oftentimes, the most interesting data is hidden in plain sight.

One of the huge shifts in online politics in recent years is the accountability and…

Last week I had the pleasure of joining a panel on social media and politics at the Milken Global Conference.  The Conference targets CEOs and featured Nobel-prize winning economists, major nation…

January 23, 2009

White House Web FAIL?

A couple of days ago, I reviewed the launch of the new WhiteHouse.gov. Today, nearly 72 hours after Barack Obama’s inauguration, the only official documents of the Obama Administration online are his…

January 21, 2009

The New WhiteHouse.gov

As Barack Obama took the Oath of Office as the 44th President today, another important piece of state business was happening on the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue: turning on the Obamaified…

Many of the tactical postmortems on the Obama campaign have been focused online. But it’s worth remembering that that is only one piece of the puzzle. The fact is that Obama ran a better kind of…

November 18, 2008

My BarackObama.gov

As we debate how to rebuild our party with new technology and stronger grassroots, watch for the media to fawn all over Obama’s use of the Internet as President as he brings…