The annual ritual of voting up panels for next year’s SXSW in Austin, Texas comes to a close tonight at 11:59 p.m. Central time. Along with lots of friends, a panel I’m organizing, “Big Data: Powering the Race for the White House,” is in the mix. It’s about how the Presidential candidates are using massive databases containing every last detail about you to predict how you’ll vote, if you’ll give, and whether you’ll mobilize your friends. This Stanford University lecture from fellow panelist Dan Siroker (formerly director of analytics for Obama ’08 and now CEO of Optimizely) shows how the Obama campaign did it in ’08, and that’s just on the web side of the house. It’s a must-watch for anyone in politics and just a taste of what you can expect from our all-star panel!
First, you need to sign up here to vote. You don’t need to commit to attending SXSW and you won’t be signing up for any email lists by doing this. And then start voting.
I’d also be remiss if we didn’t give a shout out to many friends who are also on proposed panels this year. Here are some of the coolest panels I found at the intersection of politics, government, and tech, and you’re welcome to post more suggestions in the comments.
- Election 2012: Campaigns, Coverage and the Internet, with Mindy Finn.
- But Hasn’t Politics Always Been Social? featuring Facebook’s Adam Conner and Katie Harbath
- What Marketers Should Learn from Online Politics with Trilogy Interactive’s Larry Huynh and Google’s Andrew Roos
- Vote4Geeks: Why Techies Should Run for Office, featuring former Engage show guest Julie Germany and former co-panelist at SXSW 2008
- Can Bloggers put Hope back into the 2012 Election? with Rock the Vote’s Maegan Carberry
- How Social Media Imperils Political Parties, with former Engage Show guest Marci Harris, Joe Trippi, and Mark McKinnon
- Reporters and Evangelists: Politics of Online News, with Roll Call’s Shira Toeplitz
- Voting’s Viral: Voters, Elected Officials, Social, which looks like a terrific discussion of the issue areas covered by the Voting Information Project, of which we’re proud to be a part.
- Engaging Congress on Net Neutrality, with Politico’s Kim Hart
- Sex, Lies, and Cookies: Web Privacy EXPOSED! with TechFreedom’s Berin Szoka
- 2012: Social Media’s New Role in Politics, with HuffPo’s Mark Blumenthal
- Poli-Sci-Fi Punditry: Nerdy Political Bloggers, including former Engage Show guest Dave Weigel
- What Journalism Can Learn from Science, with the Economist’s Gideon Lichfield and NPR’s Matt Thompson
- And finally, Honey, we shrunk the economy, a solo talk by the great Jeff Jarvis which looks at the digital disruption of the entire American economy.