Measuring influence in the age of the social web has become an increasingly difficult task.  Measuring influence of advocates alongside the actions they have taken for a brand is an even more difficult task.  Multiply is already measuring action taken everywhere on behalf of brands, political campaigns and non-profits.  Today, we bring influence into the mix as well, by announcing integration of basic social media statistics on your advocates to the Multiply Data Manager.

The Member Profile now displays the number of Facebook friends the user has, how many Facebook pages that person likes and how many Twitter followers that person has.  In the Member Profile of each of your users, you can now see not just which actions that individual has taken for you, but also how influential that person is on Facebook and Twitter.

Want to run a campaign targeted to your advocates who are the most influential on Twitter?  Now you can!  We will be rolling out other influence metrics in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

Another feature we are rolling out to Multiply accounts today is the ability to record UTM codes to Member Profiles.  UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) codes allow you to add extra information to the links you create, giving you critical information on where an individual came from to sign-up for Multiply on your site, which of your campaigns each individual came to support you through, etc.  These codes provide you with a wealth of information, allowing you to see which of your campaigns or traffic sources are yielding the most valuable advocates for you as deemed by the actions your advocates are taking with Multiply.