A few weeks ago, Patrick Ruffini penned a great post on how a single photo of Hillary Clinton and the subsequent viral meme surrounding that photo may have single-handily reshaped some perceptions of the former presidential candidate.

This weekend, a photo of former President George W. Bush helping wounded soldiers during the Warrior 100K rapidly spread through social media with Americans passionately displaying their appreciation and admiration for the President. This at a time when George W. Bush has been largely silent and out of the public eye.

I don’t have anything truly profound to say about these photos. Each of them speaks for themselves. I guess that’s my point. So much of politics is fought with words and rhetoric, but these two photos speak louder and more clearly about these two leaders than years of written words. As the social web becomes more visual (see Instagram, Pinterest, etc.), I believe these moments will play an even greater role in the public’s perception of our leaders.