As a Georgetown student, I think it’s sometimes difficult to venture out of what we affectionately call “the Georgetown bubble.” Stepping off the King Street metro for the first time to come to my new internship, I knew I had finally done it. Engage is located in Old Town Alexandria, and this area is indisputably beautiful. One of the best parts of coming to Old Town for work is the walk home. At night, as the sun begins to set, trollies pass by and the trees that line the brick sidewalks glow with festive lights. This nighttime walk has become a perfect opportunity for me to reflect and process the day. Sometimes that reflection is about how insanely adorable Mathias’ dog, Nigel, was when he came to visit the office or how funny it was when the COO, Erik Rapprich, called me into his office to show me the new Nerf gun he just ordered. Many times, though, these walks give me a chance to think about what I am learning on the job.

As an intern, I expected to work hard and to absorb as much wisdom as possible from the talented individuals at Engage. What I didn’t expect was just how much these people would invest in me. From HTML workshops to peeks into the processes of design, contracts, and social media strategy, my mentors at Engage have widened my perspectives and understandings of both the tech and business worlds. Maggie, the Operations Manager, has told me that she wears many different hats. I have quickly grown to appreciate the expanse and adaptability of operations in the workplace and love how much opportunity there is to learn. Surrounded by passionate and intelligent people, I look forward to what the rest of the semester has in store for me here at Engage.


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