I filled out my tax forms, learned where the K-cups are, joined the team for Chipotle Thursday (and Chipotle Friday for good measure), figured out the intricacies of the DC Metro (read as “still cannot time my commute correctly because the timing of the Metro is impossible to actually figure out”), and settled in at my new desk. I am now a Digital Strategy intern at Engage. This is the first time that I am working in my field of interest in what we college kids call “the real world” and I am beyond excited for the opportunity.

So, why did I choose Engage for my first internship? I was drawn to Engage for its forward-thinking approach to client strategy and for its unique location at the junction of the left and right brain: using numbers and analytics to create creative, innovative, and custom-tailored solutions for clients. I am excited to learn from these experts how to be constantly looking ahead: how to not only anticipate client needs but to also anticipate where the market is heading and what tools can be used in the future. In short, how to be a pioneer.

Currently a junior at Georgetown University studying Economics and Spanish, I chose to study economics because I find consumer behavior incredibly interesting. The way in which people make decisions and respond to various stimuli in a market of information is fascinating and I enjoy focusing in on the place where economics, marketing, and sociology intersect.

Questions for me or what it’s like to be Engage intern? Reach out to us or follow my adventures on the Intern-et (ha-ha) at @EngageDCLindsay on Instagram.
