Political junkies everywhere, rejoice! Thanks to Facebook’s new Interest Lists feature, announced Thursday, you no longer need to have posts by politicians scattered and disorganized throughout your Newsfeed.

Want to track what candidates in particular races are saying? You can now easily create a curated list that others can subscribe to.

Like Twitter lists and Pinboards on Pinterest, we can already see a lot of uses for it on Facebook.

For example, you can see every Presidential candidate all on one page:

The lists tool will also be helpful in keeping track of what issues House and Senate members are addressing. For example, just by looking at this page, you can tell that the House GOP is fired up about passing the JOBS Act:

You can also see how Governors across the country are connecting with their constituents:

We’re excited to see how individuals, campaigns and brands will take advantage of Interest Lists. How will you use this new feature? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.