The team is grabbing an early train to New York for PdF, but we wanted to share a quick note before we hit the road: Patrick Ruffini and Mindy Finn are teaming up to launch the new Engage.
Since Patrick founded the company in 2007, Engage has grown from a scrappy upstart to a real contender in the technopolitical space. With Mindy’s addition to the team, we’re deepening our reservoir of experience at the highest levels of national politics.
Mindy comes to Engage from the Romney for President campaign, where she served as Director of eStrategy. Even if you don’t know her name, you’ve definitely seen her work: Sign Up America! (one of the coolest things any campaign did this cycle which brought in 30,000+ supporters in 24 hours), MiniMitt, MittTV, the Create Your Own Ad contest, and $25 million raised over the Internet. Previously, she served in a similar role for Senator Rick Santorum’s 2006 re-election campaign, and played a key role in the RNC and Bush-Cheney ’04 campaigns. You can check out Mindy’s profile page here.
Patrick served as eCampaign director for the RNC in the 2006 election cycle, where he managed a base of millions of online activists, architected innovative online get-out-the-vote tools, introduced the first-ever text-messaging campaign for a national party, and kept the GOP on the offensive in the blogosphere and in the then-bleeding edge social media space. Previously he worked with Mindy at BC’04 and has been active in the online political space for more than a decade. Here’s his profile.
Our new team brings together unparalleled expertise from Presidential politics that we will use to build innovative movement-based strategies for political candidates and organizations. Which is a good thing, since our country needs the GOP to bring its A-game to this election.
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