Each year, the Engage team gathers to reflect on our past and plot a course forward based on our mission and core values. Like most companies, events of the past two years saw us taking a different approach to meetings, so this year we’re eager to get back together.  

We have some catching up to do, and we’re doing it big. This is exciting for us and will benefit everyone we work with. It will also require some help from our clients and partners, so I’d like to talk about the vision for what is sure to be a memorable event. 

This year, we’re heading outside the Beltway (about 1,667 miles outside actually) to reduce distractions and increase our focus. Next week we will gather in Sint Maarten for three days of team building, continuing education, and maybe even a zip-line or two. We’ll be out of the office, but we’ll be working hard on the value we provide to our clients and each other. 

For more than 15 years, Engage has partnered with some of the world’s best companies and causes, including many of you. As proud as we are of those successes, it’s our team that makes it all possible. We feel strongly that this relatively small investment in time will pay significant dividends to all involved.

We appreciate your support and understanding and look forward to telling you all about it when we return.