The Oatmeal posted a funny and spot-on comic about accruing ‘likes’ on a Facebook page today, saying that messages like this…

…will only result in reactions like this…

Despite the comedic twist, the lesson is a valuable one. When creating content for a Facebook page and inviting fans to like that page, one must consider how “likable” the page really is. Will your content connect with your audience on a personal level? Will your audience be inclined to engage with the content, leaving comments and sharing posts with their friends? How entertaining is your content? If you have to beg people to give you a ‘thumbs up’ it’s not very likely they’re going to give you the engagement you’re looking for.

The Oatmeal presents a simple solution:

As a Client Strategist for Engage, social media strategy is a big piece of the pie that is my job. My goal is to present my clients with a digital strategy that will give their content the largest possible reach and exposure. Making things that are “likeable” can’t be an afterthought, it has to be the inspiration and the goal.

Creating likeable content is an attainable milestone no matter what the topic. It’s simply a matter of finding a creative way to present that content.