I’ve dabbled with the Facebook PHP SDK plenty of times before, and Facebook does a really awesome job of making it simple to use their SDK and their Graph API. The development and creative team at Engage know how much I love the Open-Source PHP Framework CodeIgniter by EllisLab . It’s a high-performing and extremely light-weight MVC (Model-View-Controller) Framework that has a very small foot-print when compared to the other frameworks out there. Best of all, it requires nearly zero-configuration to get setup on a web server.

I’ve been doing some research on how other developers integrate Facebook’s SDK into Codeigniter, and I haven’t seen any real solid working examples of a best practice. So I decided to throw my two-cents at it, and am releasing my findings publicly for everyone to use!

To get it setup, all you have to do is follow the very short README file instructions, and you’ll have a working example in no time. Here’s an overview of the important files to look at:

  • application/conifg/Facebook.php
  • application/config/Stellar.php
  • application/libraries
  • Controllers and Models
  • application/config/autoload.php

Below you’ll find links to a working demo, the source on my GitHub Repository, and a support forum. Thanks, and I hope this at least helps one person out there!