It’s hard to believe that it’s been ten years. When I founded Engage in 2007, digital was still greatly underutilized in American politics. Together with a small group of strategists and a shared passion for innovation, I’m proud to say that we helped change that culture. Digital strategy, social media, and data-driven decision making are now woven throughout every successful campaign. *
Our work is hardly done. In fact, we’re just getting started. To mark this anniversary and step into the future, we’ve reimagined our brand and launched a new site that better highlights our capabilities and culture.
Our focus now is on the significant digital divide still holding back the world’s most successful organizations. As the public policy landscape shifts rapidly on the state and federal level, leaders in the corporate and public affairs space need to know how to identify, educate, and activate their supporters. Many stakeholders aren’t aware of the value that an innovative digital strategy can bring to their work, or how their competitors are already using it to their advantage. That’s where we come in.
As the challenges have evolved, so have we. Engage has grown into an award-winning full-service digital agency with clients that top the Forbes 500 list. Our technology and design teams create beautiful, functional solutions to our clients’ most complex challenges. Our strategy and marketing teams develop content and campaigns that get results. We do all of it in a way that’s collaborative and involves the client at every step.
Together with my colleagues, I’m proud to have helped write the book on digital and politics. Now, it’s time for the next chapter.