11:45 – In the Dogster panel on startup management on the Hilton. Talks about how to do layoffs. First, look objectively at the money situation. Then look at which departments need to be cut. When you get down to individuals, it’s hard. They were open about communicating, doing a preso on why they did it, the overall economic situation, given to all employees.
11:47 – Economic times have made things more focused and intense. Attitude of “Okay, let’s f-ing do this.” Taking on the economy and beating it. I like this.
11:47 – I can’t believe people in tech are so left. This is total capitalism!
11:57 – Once again I have been sucked into e-mail. Complete ADD.
12:00 – The upteenth question about how to balance the initial startup mode where everyone does everything with a more hierarchical mode. Sales vs. tech guys.
12:16 – When to take VC money. Only when I have an opportunity I can’t execute on without it.